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Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Great Price for $19.95

The Children's Homer: The Adventures of Odysseus and the Tale of Troy (Classic Books on Cassettes Collection) Review

My second grade son, who is very into all things "Star Wars the Clone Wars" and Legos (like most 8 year olds his age!) is really getting immersed in the tale of Telemachus and his search for information about what happened to his dad Odysseus. The narrative is beautifully written and engaging. It is not too literary for him but also does not over simplify the story. I also apprieciate the illustrations, they are a good intoduction to classical greek line work! I am reading it aloud and it has been a joy to share with him.

The Children's Homer: The Adventures of Odysseus and the Tale of Troy (Classic Books on Cassettes Collection) Overview

Thee story of the travels and adventures of Odysseus, told in a way that will spark any child's imagination and will help to plant the seed of literary curiosity that will bloom in his or her later years. Two 90-minute cassettes and two 60's.

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Customer Reviews

Typo City! - Wifey - Maine
Directly from the inside of this book: "First we scanned the original rare book using a robot which automatically flipped and photographed each page. We automated the typing, proof reading and design of this book using Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software on the scanned copy..."

They basically copied pages into a computer, the computer translated it, and whatever the computer thought was the word was what ended up on the page. What this means is that there are many typos. There are mistakes and extraneous letters/symbols all over the place. The end result is a book that appears to be disorganized, sloppy and confusing. The formatting of the book is horrible and it looks like the whole story is crammed into a long, long chapter.

Since I can't trust the words I'm reading to be the actual text of the book and not an OCR-related error, why bother reading this version of the book at all?

Perhaps I hadn't read the description carefully enough or correctly interpreted what it meant before purchasing it, but I am very disappointed.

Check out the product description before you buy 'The Children's Homer' published by Nabu Press - Kiwi - Mississauga, Ontario Canada
The Nabu Press imprint of this book was made available in April 2010 - all 28 earlier reviews of this book are from books from different publishers. For the record (read the Product Description carefully) Nabu Press created this book by scanning in an old version. The cover art gives you an idea of the editing that was done. Around zero. I've tracked down a few Nabu press books that people have actually bought and the reviews are mixed - usually based on the quality of the original book that was scanned to create their version.

Anyhow, Nabu Press specialise in copying and printing "copyright free" books and they're generally listed (like this one) at a much higher price than much better quality versions from genuine publishers who actually edit their books with care.

The Allen Kids Review - Marme and - Utah
Our mom just finished reading The Children's Homer to us. It was interesting. The story is about people and adventures. We liked the part when someone sings a song about Odysseus building the horse. It's the children's homer and we think you should learn more about the journey of Odysseus. You will also learn about Achilles and some of the battles of Troy. We like that Odysseus was most wanting to get home to his family.
Ages 10, 8, and 7.

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Sep 07, 2010 03:46:05

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