" ▶▶▶ Great Price Beautiful Feet Books for $9.89 | Children's Books "

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Great Price Beautiful Feet Books for $9.89

Columbus Review

The D'Aulaires' give the child (and adult reader) a deep understanding of Columbus from the time of his youth through his old age. The details, like what the cover illustration means, draw children in and transforms Columbus from a name of a holiday to a flesh-and-blood man of discovery. If an era ever needed heroes of inspiration for young children, ours is it and the D'Aulaires' deliver.

Columbus Overview

As is their custom, the d'Aulaires have thoroughly researched their subject in order to provide the most historically accurate account of the life of the man Samuel Eliot Morrison called "the greatest mariner that ever lived." In their pursuit, the d'Aulaires traveled to Spain, Portugal, and the Caribbean Islands to research original documents on the life of Columbus. Their text reflects many little- known facts not generally included in the typical biographies of Columbus. Readers will learn that it was the saga of Leif Erickson that was one of the inspirations for Columbus's voyage to the East. They will also learn that Columbus was such a skilled astronomer that he knew the exact date when the next eclipse of the moon was and used that knowledge to his advantage. They will also learn that though "Columbus was a great man, he was not a modest man. He wanted too much, and so he did not get enough" (54). This book is lavishly illustrated with the d'Aulaire's detailed lithographs in four colors. 54pg

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Customer Reviews

Outdated and historically inaccurate - Ashley McDonald - Florida
This book is reflective of the times in which it was written and contemporary readers may view it as racist with its stereotypical portrayals of Native Americans. One would expect a degree of fiction because there is little which is known about Columbus' early life, but the book is terribly inaccurate. A better choice is Christopher Columbus: Navigator to the New World from Isaac Asimov's Pioneers of Science and Exploration series.

We enjoyed this book very much. - Kaye Fink - Mansfield, TX
This book was used with my daughter's American History curriculum. It held her interest and provided her with more than just date recall. I will use it again with my other child.

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Aug 26, 2010 09:07:05

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